
適用範圍 適用於人員頻繁通過的場所。
門 體 採用鋁合金材料,門體厚1.5mm,表面經過陽極氧化處理。
可 視 窗 符合安全標準的壓克力板,可視窗尺寸360mm寬×425mm高×5mm厚。
鉸 鏈 高拋光SUS304不銹鋼冷板。
Applicable scope applies to personnel frequently through sites.
Door body aluminum alloy material, door thickness 1.5mm, superficial after Anodic oxidation processing.
Windows 5mm thickness of acrylic sheet that meets safety standards, size :W360mm x H425mm.
Hinges highly polished SUS304 cold rolled stainless steel sheet.